Museums and libraries across the country are hard at work creating quality games for you to play right now. Here’s a list of some of our favorite museum games.

Location-Based Digital Games
A location-based digital game lets you use a mobile device to explore a physical space. Sometimes that means its a text-based story or an app or a mobile website but the common factor is that you need to be AT that place in order to play, you typically can’t play from your computer at home
Tate Trumps | Tate Modern Art museum | London, England
Murder at the Met, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC NY
Getty Switch, Getty Museum of Art, Los Angeles CA
Springfield Art Museums: Art Hunters, Springfield IL (Game Over)
Luce Center Quests | Smithsonian American Art | Washington DC
Chester Walls | Town of Chester | Chester, UK
Operation Spy | The International Spy Museum | Washington, DC
Rev Quest | Colonial Williamsburg | Williamsburg, PA
SquirreLee University | Stratford Hall | Stratford, VA
Play the Past | Minnesota History | Minneapolis, MN